Hitting the “pause” button

For the past few years and, much like the dogs in one of my favourite early childhood stories, my life has been on “fast forward.” Between moving from England to Canada, launching my career as a published author, managing several family estates, and...

Sending my book baby out into the world

My very first published book, The Cottage at Firefly Lake, releases on January 31. Although advance review copies are already in circulation, the shiny, finished book doesn’t hit shelves and e-readers until next Tuesday. In the author world, a book release is called a...

Thank you…

The week between Christmas and New Year is a punctuation mark at the end of the year. For me, it’s a lull before launching headlong into the blank calendar pages to come. In a year that’s been more surreal (dictionary company Merriam-Webster’s word for...

Remembering my mom…and a special giveaway

Sunday, November 20th is World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. It’s a day I’ve marked since my mother was killed crossing a street while returning home from an ordinary, afternoon shopping trip. Road death is sudden, shocking, and it forever...

“You’re not from around here, are you?”

I often describe myself as linguistically confused. Although I grew up in prairie Canada, I haven’t lived there in many years. As Tech Guy would attest, and except when I’m speaking with old friends, any remnants of my childhood Midwestern twang have long...