Going (to my second) home

If, like me, you’ve spent half your adult life living outside the country of your birth, “home” is flexible. Although “home” for me is wherever Tech Guy and English Rose are, beyond that, I often picture myself straddling a little island...

Springing forward

When February slips into March and, irrespective of whether the new month comes in like a lion (as it has for my friends in the UK), or a lamb (here in the Rideau Valley), it’s the time of year when my thoughts always turn to my life in England. Although there...

Courage…and “learning to dance in the rain”

If you read my first blog of 2018, you know that the word I’ve chosen to guide me this year is “courage.” Like all of us, my life has had its ups and downs. It’s through troubles, though, that I’ve found hope and inspiration to help me...

In search of comfort food

“When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.” Or in my case, shopping for comfort food. As the weather cools, and darkness comes earlier, it’s the time of year for comfort food. However, in addition to childhood favorites like chicken pot pie,...