Writing buddies, books & bracelets: Harlequin celebrates 75

I spent the last few days of September in Toronto, Canada celebrating Harlequin’s 75th anniversary. It was a wonderful time of learning and socializing, and I returned home inspired and energized. Learning Attending authors took part in a day and a half of workshops...

A shoe dilemma & important book news

As some of you know, I’ll be in Toronto, Canada this week to help celebrate Harlequin Books 75th anniversary. Harlequin Heartwarming publishes my Montana Carters miniseries and the next book, A Rancher’s Return, is out in October. As a current Harlequin author,...

Visiting my British ‘home’ & a summer blogging break

After five long years when pandemic restrictions and then my own bout with Covid precluded travel, I’m finally able to visit England again this summer. It’s still and always will be, important to who I am as a person and writer and one of the places I call...

My well-travelled writing desk

On X (formerly Twitter), Welsh author friend Tracy Rees posted recently that she has two desks, an “expensive oak-topped one” and a “cheap self-assembly one” she built twenty-three years ago and has “carried…from house to house…ever since.” I too have several desks...

Introducing my new author alter ego, ‘Rose Warner’

This past week, I reached another milestone in my life and writing career. Thanks to my UK literary agent Kiran Kataria, I’ve signed a three-book deal for a new Second World War historical fiction series. These books, following three teachers who are evacuated with...