“Let’s Talk Romance”

With Valentine’s Day, the month of February is often known as being focused on love and romance. This year, I’m delighted to be taking part in a special library event on Saturday, February 3rd, “Let’s Talk Romance,” organized by the Rideau Lakes Public Library in...

My new year in life and writing

Hello, 2024! With two new planners, a new writing planning notebook and several desk and wall calendars, as far as organization and time management go, I’m more than set for this new year. However, a new year isn’t only about planning day-to-day activities. For me,...

Warm holiday wishes & looking for the good in 2023

As we near the end of another year and much in our world continues to be in turmoil, I’m trying to focus on good things that have happened for me in 2023. I hope you can do the same and celebrate blessings large or small. Lake life Our new lakeside cottage is a...

Hello December and hello favourite holiday treats!

After a busy and stressful November, December has crept up on me. While I’m not ready for the last month of the year, it’s also the season of favourite holiday treats. Starting the month is an advent calendar. I’ve had one since childhood and it’s a tradition I also...

Five random things…About me!

The fourth book in my Montana Carters miniseries for Harlequin Heartwarming, Molly’s Carter’s story, is due to my editor in two weeks. That means I’m deep in my writing/editing cave, and the world of my story is more real than my actual life. In this post, I’m sharing...